1950年初頭にNYの小さな工場で製作され、様々な著名人に愛用されたTART OPTICALの『ARNEL』。1970年代にTART OPTICALは幕を下ろし『ARNEL』は市場から姿を消しましたが、2017年に日本有数の工場で仕上げられたJULIUS TART OPTICALの『AR』として待望の復活。多くのアイウェアファンの注目を集めました。しかし、継続的に製造を行なえるよう、最新の技術が入っているため、高い品質と引き換えに無くしてしまったモノがあるのです。そこで私たちは、2018年と2019年に『AR』を創業当時のような手作業で製作するスペシャルモデルを依頼。アナログな手法を用いる事で、通常ラインよりもヴィンテージフレームに近いエッセンスを持ったモデルが完成し、早々に完売となりました。そして今回、第3弾を要望の多かったカラーとサイズ展開でリリースします。通常とは異なる工程での製作となるため、今回も数量限定です。
"ARNEL" was produced by TART OPTICAL in the early 1950s and worn by various celebrities. TART OPTICAL disappeared in the 1970s, At the same time, “ARNEL” disappeared from the market. But it was produced as a “AR” by JULIUS TART OPTICAL in 2017 at leading factory in Japan. It was the long-awaited revival and attracted eyewear lovers attention. However, there is something lost in exchange for high quality. Because it is making by the latest technology so that it can be manufactured continuously. Therefore, in 2018 and 2019. We asked for a special model to make "AR" by hand like at the time of foundation of TART OPTICAL. By using an analog method, a model with an essence closer to a vintage frame than the regular collection was completed, and it was sold out quickly.

シンプル イズ ブラック!
The color used is "BLACK" which is the most standard. It is a model that allows you to enjoy the subtle differences in detail because it is a basic color. Specifications that never change increase the pride of ownership. It's the ultimate of simplicity that is irresistible to people who like basic.

サイズは、『ARNEL』時代からおしゃれ好きなニューヨーカーに愛され、ジョニー・デップをはじめ世界中の著名人が愛用したヴィンテージタートの黄金比と呼ばれているレンズ44mm ブリッジ24mmとヴィンテージタートでも人気が高く、日本人の顔の骨格にもフィットしやすいレンズ46mm ブリッジ22mmを採用。
Two sizes are available this time. The lens size 44mm / bridge size 24mm have been loved by fashionable New Yorkers since the "ARNEL" era, and are known as the golden ratio of vintage TART used by celebrities around the world including Johnny Depp. The lens size 46mm / bridge size 22mm is easily fits to the frame of Japanese face.

"ARNEL" is a special design not seen with the current glasses. The drawings and vintage frame were reviewed to accurately reproduce the balance at the time.
The front curve is set to 2 curve in the regular collection. We changed this to the same 0 curve at the time.The angle of inclination of the front has been changed from 10 degrees in the regular collection to 8 degrees at the time. In addition, the temples (arms of the glasses) are cut and then polished to create a finish with dare to mellow the corner, with a focus on the reproducibility of U.S.-made texture at the time.

今回の別注モデルはブランド初の改良がされたんです。ブリッジ24mmのノーズパッドには改良を加え高くしたことで、広い鼻幅でもホールド感がでるようにしています。欧米人にくらべ、鼻の低い日本人には嬉しい限り! さらにハンドメイドラインは、置いた時にも美しく見えるようにテンプルの重なりを調整しています。
This time, 24mm bridge model is improved by changed to a nose pad with a height so that it can hold a wide nose width. This improvement is the brand's first time attempt.